Busing for 2023-34 School Year

HES Families: We know that transportation to and from school has been extraordinarily difficult so far this year, and we encourage you to document the challenges your family has faced. The most effective place to direct your questions, concerns and advocacy is to the school system’s transportation office:

Brian Nevin, Director of Student Transportation, Brian_Nevin@hcpss.org, 410-313-6726
Alex Baker, Bus Area Manager, Horace_Baker@hcpss.org, 410-313-6734
Adam Downes, Coordinator of Transportation, Planning and Technology, Adam_downes@hcpss.org, 410-313-6728
James Fritz, Coordinator of Transportation, Contracted Services, James_fritz@hcpss.org, 410-313- 6702
Monica Pringle, Coordinator of Transportation, Specialized Service and Training, monica_pringle@hcpss.org, 410-313-6729

Feel free to copy president@hespta.org so that we can maintain a record of the issues students and families at our school have faced.

To also include all members of the Board of Education on your emails, copy boe@hcpss.org.

There is a Board of Education meeting scheduled for this Thursday, August 31st, 4-6:30 pm and 7pm-10pm. If you want to register to speak click here: https://www.hcpss.org/board/meeting-participation/

You must register to testify by 4:30 pm tomorrow, Wednesday, August 30th.

This is a hybrid meeting that will be broadcast live on Verizon 42 and Comcast 95 and live streamed online for anyone interested in accessing and attending the meeting virtually.

Written testimony is always welcome to the BOE and can be sent to the boe@hcpss.org email.